Public WiFi

Fifty years ago, people would have considered WiFi(or Wireless Fidelity)a miracle—a discovery that they couldn’t possibly have any explanation for.

However, slowly but surely, scientists and engineers started dreaming actively about something so amazing, yet far-fetched.

Only a few years later, those once unattainable dreams became a reality. Because of these brave dreamers, people today have access to the internet everywhere.

Today, we use the word WiFi to refer to the devise that allows computers, smartphones and other gadgets to connect to the internet and communicate wirelessly.

Continually, it seems to be almost everywhere these days. People are worried or worst upset when they enter a coffee shop or a mall that does not provide Wireless Internet. Furthermore, public or private users can enjoy the following properties of wireless connection.

  • Efficiency – It has never been easier to transfer information in such a great speed. Businesses can transfer their data from one place to another in a matter of seconds.
  • Flexibility – One does not have to be at the office to receive important business information, which means, information or data can be sent or received by anyone anywhere
  • Cost Effectiveness – Given that people spend hundreds or thousands of dollars on things they may or may never use, it is considered to be wallet-friendly and also a smart investment.
  • Accessibility – It would be safe to say that this technology has become somewhat a necessity over the last two decades. Needless to say, most public places intends to cater the needs of the people, which means that most of them (if not all of them) now provide Wireless Internet connection.public-wifi

Two types of WiFi

Most of us are exposed to the technology of the 21stcentury, the Internet know that there is a public and a private/home WiFi.

Consequently, it is fairly easy to extrapolate that public WiFi can be found in public places, such as shops, malls, cafes, bars, restaurants, and even playgrounds in city parks.

On the other hand, private refers to the wireless connection set up for a private user at one’s home or a private office.

Public WiFi (Pros and Cons)

As the name suggests, this internet connection is available for the public to use, or anyone who desires to connect to the Internet in public places such as airports, libraries, hotel lobbies or a café.

One of its major pros is that it is free and people do not have to worry about spending money to check their emails, communicate via Skype or transfer important information.

However, there is one major drawback to public wireless connection and that is WiFi Security.

WiFi Security

Unfortunately, using a public connection will put your computer at risk and your personal data very vulnerable.

This could be extremely dangerous when the user shares sensitive information, such as personal information, passwords or bank account details.

Hackers, in this case, are much harder to detect, because more often than not, they use the same network as their “prey”.

Subsequently, insufficient WiFi Security can cause myriads of problems, such as identity-theft, loss of funds and destruction of important information.

Government authorities in charge of street WiFi, and other owners of this public amenity are aware of this dire problem and are purportedly looking into finding a solution for inadequate WiFi Security.

One way to improve Public WiFi Security is by implementing VPN
—a Virtual Private Network is one key to a successful WiFi Security, its purpose is to encrypt data that make interception impossible.

Public users can also implement WPA/WEP which encodes data that is being transmitted between a user’s computer and the wireless router.

Subsequently, even though the hacker may get into one’s system, they will not be able to decrypt and interpret the information.

Pros and Cons of a Public WiFi

Pros Cons
It is easy to access Insufficient WiFi Security measures
Multiple users Slower speed
Internet on the go Needs additional VPN for better WiFi Security
It is free Needs additional WPA or WEP for better WiFi Security
Does not require a password If hacked due to insufficient WiFi Security, the party-to-blame is hard to locate

How to Detect If You Are Being Snooped On In Public WiFi

Accessing an open network with low (or no) WiFi Security puts the user at risk of being hacked. In other words without WiFi Security while using a public connection puts you at a higher risk that someone nearby will have access to your personal information.

Even though this may sound like an exciting science fiction movie, rest assured that it is our reality today, and if we are not careful enough, a “snooper” can surprise us at any local café, a hotel lobby or even the kids’ playground.

Fortunately, users can now take the following steps and attain a few helpful tools to detect if their data is being observed by unwanted parties.

  • Turn on Your Firewallcyber-ghost
  • Turn Off Sharing
  • Use HTTPS and SSL Whenever Possible
  • Turn it Off When You Aren’t Using It
  • Download Free Who’s On My WiFi Windows, Mac, or Android
  • Detection Agent
  • Download Wifi SPY Android app
  • CyberGhost VPN
  • Hide My Ass (HMA)
  • TunnelBear
  • OkayFreedom VPN

Home or Private WiFi

Home or Private WiFi is a facility that is available in one’s home or private business for their personal use of the Internet.

This does not necessarily mean that other users cannot connect to the internet using a Private connection, but unlike public WiFi, the private one requires a password.

This naturally leads us to conclude that it offers greater Security measures than its public counterpart.
home-wifiFirst and foremost, setting up a private WiFi is very easy, which means you do not need the assistance of a professional since you are probably more than capable to do it yourself.

Furthermore, one major and very important difference between a public and private WiFi is that the latter automatically encrypts outgoing and incoming messages which provides data security.

This way, individuals may it be a small business owner, an important CEO or just a stay-at-home mom who wants to surf the Internet need not worry about their personal emails or bank accounts being hacked due to an already embedded high WiFi Security.

Pros and Cons of a Home/Private WiFi

Pros Cons
High WiFi Security It can only be accessed within private premises
Due to its great WiFi Security, home WiFi requires a password, which means not everyone can access it Installation problems may occur, though it is not very likely to happen.
It is inexpensive Individuals (guests/employees) can only use it if the password is provided
Higher Internet Speed
It is easy to set up


The truth is, this facility has become a daily necessity. Without such in this fast-paced technological era would be unimaginable.

However, even though this indispensable facility may have a few cons, such as insufficient WiFi Security, the various pros will serve as a testament on how important it is in our daily endeavors.

Overall, since its discovery in 1991, Wireless Fidelity has drastically changed the way we transfer information, conduct business deals and communicate with each other.

In addition to that, it would be safe to say it made life more convenient and changed our daily routine for the better.

Thus, whether you are a private or a public user, the one little catch to look out for is WiFi Security.

FBI Allowed To Hack Anyone That Uses Online Anonymity Tools

2000px-US-FBI-ShadedSeal.svg (1)Last Thursday, the US Supreme Court approved a new rule that would make it easier for law enforcement agencies including the FBI to hack any computer, regardless of its location. This decision will take effect from December unless the Congress opts to bring up a competing legislation against the decision. The FBI will have the powers to search any computer (even those that are remotely located) that has online anonymity software installed in it. The new ruling also allows the FBI to hack into computers that have been hacked once or those infected by a botnet, which is a type of malware program that takes over many computers and infect them with viruses.

Beware Online Anonymity Seekers

Federal judges would now be able to issue search warrants that would allow law enforcement agents to search or seize any computer anywhere. The rule also incorporated a small paragraph that is related to computers using privacy software. According to approved change to Rule 41, a federal magistrate judge has the power to issue a search/seizure warrant for any computer anywhere in the world that uses online anonymity tools like VPN and Tor. The US Supreme Court has purportedly approved the rule change to combat the rising incidents of cyber-crime. Interestingly, this rule was approved just a day after advancement of a bill by the US House of Representatives that made it a prerequisite for the government to obtain a judge’s cause warrant before seizing stored data from company computers such as Dropbox, Facebook or Google.

John Roberts, Chief Justiceof the Supreme Court,submitted the rule change to Congress as part of the annual collection of amendments to the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure.Kevin Bankston, Open Technology Institute director (policy advocacy group) opined that the changed rule would authorize much more of government hacking than what is happening currently. He urged the Congress to pose questions to the FBI in this regard. It is alleged that FBI is fighting cases in court to keep its spying tactics a secret from the public.

As a deviation from the current Rule 41 which allows a magistrate judge to issue search warrants only within their jurisdictions, the amended rule would allow the same magistrate judge to issue search/seize warrants on any computer if its location has been hidden through technical means.It is also possible for the government to search millions of computers all at once with just a single warrant. There was added concern that the computers searched would belong to the victims of the cyber-crime that seek online anonymity instead of the perpetrators in most cases.

Whereas many of the experts that testified against such changes of the rule and privacy advocates are smarting against the upper handedness of the government, many are calling on the Congress to reject the rule that could mean an end to online anonymity. Senator Ron Wyden, an advocate of privacy, added that the amendment was clearly a debate that the Congress and the elected representatives of the country should take up and resolve after adequate public vetting. This is important in the light of the fact that there are over a million people that use Tor and other online anonymity tools for very legitimate reasons just as some others are using it to hide their crimes.

2000px-US-OfficeOfJusticePrograms-Seal.svgAbsence of any opposition to the rule means that it will come into effect in December this year and will result in spying by the government on users of Tor or VPN services without the user having any knowledge of it. The Department of Justice, however, welcomed the amendment. Their argument was that this change would help to prosecute those criminals that use Tor or similar tools to maintain online anonymity while perpetrating their crimes.

Earlier in the month, an Oklahoma federal judge had to turn down evidence in a case relating to child pornography owing to the limitations of Rule 41. Though the amendment to Rule 41 was proposed in the year 2015 by the Department of Justice, Google, in collaboration with other privacy advocacy groups wrote a letter expressing concerns about the violations of international agreements that this amendment would bring about as a result of the authorization of the government to conduct searches on computers outside of the United States.

Internet Security Solutions Against DDoS Attacks

A Denial of Service (DoS) attack involves the use of one computer and an Internet connection to make a service unavailable to a targeted resource or system. On the other hand, a Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack can be defined as a type of Denial of Service (DoS) attack wherein many compromised systems (often infected with a Trojan) are made use of to target the Internet security of one system so that an online service becomes unavailable to it. Both the targeted system and all of the systems maliciously deployed and controlled by the hacker become victims of a DDoS attack.

Internet Security – How Does a DDoS Attack Work

When a DDoS attack occurs, an online service becomes unavailable to a system because the incoming traffic from multiple sources overwhelms the victim. As a result, blocking of an IP address alone may not be enough to contain an attack. Moreover, it is often very difficult to differentiate between legitimate user traffic and attack traffic, especially when it is spread across many points of origin.

Perpetrators of DDoS attacks target sites as well as services that are hosted on high-profile servers such as that of banks, news websites, credit card payment gateways, etc.

Internet Security – Types of DDoS Attacks

DDoS attacks are of different types. They commonly include the following:

Traffic attacks

In these attacks, huge volumes of TCP, ICPM and UDP packets are sent to the target system. This results in a loss of legitimate requests. Often malware exploitation forms part of these attacks.

Bandwidth attacks

This type of a DDoS attack involves overloading of the target system with a large amount of junk data. This leads to a loss of network bandwidth.

Application attacks

These attacks lead to a depletion of application resources layer and this in turn leads to non-availability of services to the victim.

Internet Security – DDoS Attacks Are Turning Out to be Increasingly Problematic

Internet Security Solutions Against DDoS Attacks

DDoS attacks are becoming increasingly problematic as they have the ability to take a person or business offline. Hackers make use of such attacks to render sites inaccessible and as a ploy extort money from the users of target systems. Victims of a DDoS attack often suffer serious losses as it becomes difficult to process online transactions. This also results in prospective customers moving over to the victim’s competitors.

Further, the bot technology used by hackers for executing these attacks continues to improve as many of them have been able to overcome different forms of bot-detection techniques that have been employed.

Though the average duration of DDoS attacks have reduced, they are being used more frequently now. Hackers are adopting a hit-and-run approach to DDoS attacks (multiple short attacks are launched instead of prolonged single attacks) so that detecting and defending an attack becomes difficult.

Internet Security – How Can Businesses Protect Themselves against DDoS Attacks

In the recent times, there has been a surge in cyber-attacks and Internet security breaches. Cyber-gangs like DD4BC and Lizard Squad have been instrumental in bringing down bank, media and gaming networks through DDoS attacks. As these Internet security attacks become more complex, some of the steps that organizations can take to mitigate threats and protect assets include the following:

The black-holing or sinkholing approach involves blocking all traffic and diverting it to a black hole for discarding it. Further, the routers can be configured in order to prevent simple ping attacks. This is achieved by filtering out protocols that are not essential and blocking invalid IP addresses. Firewalls can be made use of to shut off a specific flow related to an attack.

Intrusion-detection systems that work in conjunction with firewalls have also been found to be useful in protecting businesses against DDoS attacks. Moreover, configuring server applications in a proper manner helps to minimize the effect of an attack. Further, use of DDoS mitigation appliances or redundant network devices and buying excess bandwidth can be of help in handling DDoS attacks.

All these approaches may be helpful, but are not fool-proof. Therefore, a better approach, as far as Internet security is concerned, would be to make use of a managed DNS service that is cloud based. This is because such a service is manned by dedicated experts with networks around the globe. This ensures web presence of the business and the availability of its critical web services at all times. Creating a backup also improves availability and performance of websites. For example, deploying websites at additional leased data centers or cloud services located across the globe improves the global reach of businesses.

Sexual Abuse Survivors Seek Support In Online Anonymity Forums 

Online Anonymity

In a study conducted by a research team at Drexel University, it has been found out that online anonymity provided the cover which sexual abuse survivors, particularly those belonging to the male sex, seem to be seeking. They seem to find support in the anonymity forums that exist online and tend to come up with more candid revelations and seek help more openly.

Online Anonymity for Sexual Abuse Survivors

It is a pretty well-known fact that a majority of sexual abuse stories go unreported. This is purportedly because of the social stigma that is attached with coming out in the open about having been a victim of sexual abuse. Paradoxically, it is also a fact that when victims speak out in public about the sexual abuse that they have suffered, the healing process is accelerated.

Online Anonymity for Sexual Abuse Survivors
The research paper that was presented during the 33rd annual conference held under the aegis of the Association for Computing Machinery in the section of Human Factors in Computing Systems had its main theme lined on how survivors of sexual abuse tended to open up in the online space when they were able to conceal their identities. The paper presented by Nazanin Andalibi, a Dextrel University doctoral candidate, and Andrea Forte, PhD, who works as an assistant professor in the College of Computing & Informatics, found out that these survivors were ready to ask for help under the cover of online anonymity. Another point that caught their attention was that men were more ready to disclose their ordeals, experiences, and thoughts when given a method of being able to conceal their true identities as in anonymous online forums.

Other research team members that studied as to how online anonymity encouraged sexual abuse victims to speak up were Oliver Haimson from the University of California and Munmun De Choudhury who works at the Georgia Institute of Technology as an assistant professor. The study included views of public posts that came up on the website Reddit from three sub-forums called subreddits. These online forums were related to abuse. The messages were from a mixed group of participants that called themselves redditors, posted over a period of 10 months in 2014. These participants created accounts with pseudonyms and accounts that could be used only once (throwaway accounts) to add to the online anonymity. The group of researchers analyzed close to 200 random posts that were secured from a group of 2000. The analysis was centered on how sexual abuse survivors sought support and the nature of variation of their disclosures depending on their origin – the throwaways or the other accounts. One of the main findings of the research was that sexual abuse survivors who were men used throwaway accounts to disclose their experiences or to seek support. The throwaway account gave them an extra layer or a mask that helped to conceal their true identities.

website Reddit from three sub-forums called subreddits
Another important finding was that Reddit was a forum that was being frequently used by sexual abuse survivors for disclosing their experiences of rape and assault for the first time because of the online anonymity that it offered for the victims. The findings of the research team showed that the stereotype male generally shied away from seeking advice or help and this ideology played a large part in discouraging help-seeking behavior. Throwaway accounts helped the affected males to overcome this hurdle to a large extent. The authors were also of the opinion that this aspect of online anonymity can contribute positively to sexual abuse survivors coming out with their first-time disclosures or even aid them to seek advice from appropriate support groups. Further, new design provisions could help the subreddit forum moderators to identify first-time disclosures and help-seekers and direct them fruitfully to appropriate resources.

Additionally, the researchers opined that fundamental needs of a sexual abuse victim such as talking about their experiences, seeking support, and coming out in the open about the feelings and thoughts that plague them are mostly unmet in the real-world scenario. This point was evident when some survivors came out in the open for the very first time in cyberspace. They observed that those victims had never shared their experiences one-on-one with anyone else before that point in time even when offline.

3 Most Popular Security Tools For Internet Anonymity

Internet anonymity has assumed a great deal of importance more than ever now because your only privacy is constantly under attack. The good news is that you can make use of Internet anonymity tools to protect your privacy and security. The aim of this article is to provide you with some information about three most popular security tools for Internet anonymity.

The Onion Router (Tor)

If Internet anonymity is what you are looking for, you need Tor, which makes use of a large network of computers in order to route the traffic to your website through several encrypted layers for obscuring the point of origin of the traffic. It is an important tool as far as whistleblowers and political dissidents are concerned. It helps them to share information anonymously. You can also use it for ensuring your Internet anonymity.

The Onion Router

All that you have to do get started is to download the Tor Browser Bundle. The Firefox’s customized branch also incorporates browser extensions to enhance privacy and connects you to the Tor network automatically. Though this package offers everything needed to successfully use Tor, you will have to change your behavior when it comes to web surfing in order to ensure Internet anonymity. You should comply with the Tor warnings because it is not a magic pill for Internet anonymity.

Tor, developed to protect the online communication of U.S. Intelligence, may substantially reduce the browsing speed as your data has to hop through a number of layers. The data transmitted across Tor may be encrypted at the relay nodes, but privacy can be compromised if the site requested for does not use SSL. Further, your online activity may be monitored as Tor is widely used by journalists, political dissidents and criminals.


The Virtual Private Network (VPN) connection enables you to browse the Internet securely as it makes you to appear as though you are from another place. This is achieved by creating an encrypted virtual tunnel from your computer to the server of the VPN provider. As a result, it appears as though you are using a specific server. As the Internet traffic is routed through this encrypted tunnel, your data will not be exposed to eavesdroppers.


If you are serious about maintaining Internet anonymity, you must consider using a VPN solution. This is because VPN, especially stealth VPN offered by some providers, disguises your traffic by hiding your real IP address from the world and making it difficult for others to decipher your traffic. VPNs are the best bet when it comes to bypassing censorship.

However, it important to choose a quality VPN provider that does not store communications logs or data. Further, the VPN provider should be one that implements server randomization and proper load balancing so that you are always connected to different VPN servers.

Proxy Sever

A proxy server can be defined as an intermediary between the Internet and your computer. The traffic that is routed through proxy servers will appear as though it is coming from the IP address of the server and not your computer. Proxy servers are not required to devote resources for the purpose of encrypting all traffic passing through them. Therefore, they can accept connections simultaneously from tens of thousands of users. Proxy servers make use of different protocols, HTTP/HTTPS and SOCKS (Private), to communicate with the Internet.

Proxy Sever

HTTP and SOCKS proxies do not encrypt data. On the other hand, HTTPS proxies offer encryption to the same level as any of the SSL websites. However, proxies are not designed to provide protection to all of the Internet traffic. Typically, it protects only the browser. Further, many proxies pass on the original IP address of the user to the destination site. This makes proxy servers less suitable for security or Internet anonymity. Finally, the proxies are required to be configured separately for each of the application such as browser, email, third-party apps, etc. Moreover, some applications may not support proxies.

As such, you need to judiciously choose one or more of these tools, depending on your specific requirement, in order to maintain the required level of Internet anonymity.

Ricochet: Instant Messenger That Uses Tor Online Anonymity Network

With so much of our information available on the internet, maintaining online anonymity can be a challenge. Many of us look for privacy and online anonymity especially in chat services. Ricochet software is the perfect solution as it lets users connect through instant messaging without having to disclose their identity.


Ricochet is open-source software that operates on multiple computing platforms. It was developed initially by John Brooks and was called Torsion IM. It underwent multiple changes since then and was renamed to Ricochet in June 2014. Ricochet recently passed its first security audit conducted by NCC Group and had been sponsored by the Open Technology Fund (OTF). The vulnerability that was found which could deanonymize users has been fixed in the recent version release.

Ricochet is a decentralized instant messenger which means it does not connect to any server or does not share data with any server to maintain online anonymity. It uses Tor to create a hidden service locally on the computer of the user. A user with this Tor hidden service running on his computer can connect to any other user who also runs the hidden service.

Tor maintains online anonymity by directing traffic through several thousand relays over a free, volunteer, worldwide network making it extremely difficult to track traffic back to the user. This hides the user’s details, location and usage from anyone who is trying to identify users through traffic analysis. This detailed relay of traffic also protects disclosure of identity through network surveillance.

Tor networks make it difficult to track Internet activity back to the user keeping the online anonymity of the user intact. These activities include all forms of communication like emails and instant messages, online posts and visits to different websites. To maintain online anonymity, Tor uses encryption of the information in the application layer itself of the communication protocol. This communication protocol is layered like an onion and hence the name. The innermost layer contains the information to be communicated while all outer layers consist of randomly selected relays through which the information passes before reaching the final destination.

When the information is passed over the network, each relay decrypts a layer of the encryptions and receives the information of the next relay through which the remaining encrypted data needs to be passed. Thus the peeling of the encrypted layers happens one after the other and the data passes through multiple relays. The final relay decrypts the actual data that needs to be sent to the recipient’s address and forwards it to the destination. Thus the final relay does not even know and hence cannot reveal the source IP address maintaining complete online anonymity.

Using this complex Tor network, Ricochet sends instant messages to recipients and these messages never leave the Tor network, which maintains complete online anonymity. Ricochet provides every user a screen name which is unique. This screen name is generated automatically the first time a user starts Ricochet. This user name is a combination of two parts, the first part is the word “ricochet”’ and the second part is the address of the Tor hidden service that gets started in the local system of the user when he starts Ricochet.

For two Ricochet users to be able to communicate and yet maintain online anonymity, at least one of them has to share their unique screen name with the other. This can be done either privately or publicly. Sharing screen name does not in any way mean that any details of the user get shared with the others. Neither the IP address, nor the physical location of any of the users is revealed when screen names are shared.


The advantage of Ricochet is that along with online anonymity, even the information shared is encrypted. Users do not have to register themselves at any servers which can pose any kind of threat to their online anonymity. The contact lists are saved locally on the system of users making it tough to know who the user is chatting with. Even chat histories are not saved to preserve online anonymity. Thus, Ricochet offers an instant messaging solution that maintains online anonymity and keeps all communication secure.

Government Websites Converting To HTTPS For Internet Security

The American government through the White House Office of Management and Budget (OMB) has finalized its strategy for the adoption of HTTPs-Only Standard for all its publicly accessible web services and federal sites. This strategy is meant to bring in a new robust baseline for Internet security and user privacy across all APIs and government websites. This step is a new formal memorandum to all executive agencies. The OMB passed this proposal to the public for comments and so far received a tremendous lot of it. The US government is not the sole proposer of this new strategy as other internet bodies are calling for a default encrypted internet. In fact, Firefox and Chrome browsers which carry the highest amounts of traffic also support the idea of migrating to HTTPs from plain HTTP. This is how the US government is changing to HTTPS for improved Internet security.


The US government has come up with a memorandum that requires all the federal agencies to deploy their domains using a variety of guidelines. These guidelines are practical and reasonable for efficient deployment of HTTPs. For the newly developed sites and web services, the memorandum requires that all their federal agency domains and sub-domains adhere to the policy. Existing sites have an obligation to make priorities based on the risk analysis. Sites that involve the exchange of personal information, those that experience high traffic levels, identity, and other sensitive data should migrate immediately.

The unencrypted HTTP protocol subjects data to interception, alteration, modification, tracking and eavesdropping of user data. A majority of the federal sites in the US use the open HTTP protocol hence creating privacy vulnerability through exposure to Internet security threats. To address this, the US government wants such websites to adopt HTTPS-Only policies to protect the privacy of all visitors to their sites. The conversion is expected to begin now for them to adapt to the fast-paced Internet security landscape. This proactive strategy of the government will support the broad Internet adoption as well as promote better adoption of privacy standards by the federal sites.

The US government also require federal agencies to make all the existing sites as well as web services accessible via secure Internet connection i.e. HTTPs by December 31, 2016. Intranets are also being encouraged to use the HTTPs service. So far, the government comes up with a public dashboard that will aid in monitoring the progress of how these sites adopt the use of HTTPS. According to the recent reports, about a third of the sites have adopted the use of HTTPS although the degrees of Internet security vary. The existence of dashboard and grading in security suggests that federal sites looking forward to upgrading to HTTPS should go for the top level security. The OMB expects that the move will eradicate the common pitfalls of inconsistencies in deciding the type of content to be secured and that which should not.


The OMB affirms that though the adoption of HTTPS-Only standard comes with a cost, it is going to be outweighed by the Internet security benefits that come with it. The cost of procuring a certificate coupled with admin and maintenance cost will vary based on the technical infrastructure and size of a site. The timeline that the OMB has provided in the memorandum is enough for the responsible parties to adjust and adopt it.

All browsing activities by Internet users will be considered sensitive and private. This step is going to foster stronger privacy and improve the confidence of the people in their government. Perhaps, there has not been any virtue of consistency in most federal sites that use HTTPS as it leaves most American vulnerable to online threats. This step of providing private browsing experience to the people will therefore will position the government as the trusted leader in Internet security.